Monday, January 30, 2012

Let's discuss this for a few seconds...

Obviously this struck a chord with me.

I am Lea and I am in my comfort zone and I have been for about 11 years. 29 if you want to be exact.

We moved to my house when I was 3ish. I remember leaving our old house and being excited to see the new house. The only thing I can clearly remember from that day was being in the back of my mom's blue pick up truck. I looked out the window and saw a big tree. I was excited to be there and can remember it clearly.

Much has changed about that house since I've moved in. But it always feels and smells the same walking into it.  I feel happy to have some place that was built for me and my family with lots of love and hard work. It's warm. It has a bed. I am blessed.

There have been many times since I was 18 that I thought I wanted to move out. I thought I wanted to have my own place with a room mate...or wanted to get an apartment for just a bit here with Alex. It never seemed right. Home always seemed right and of course economical.

I am now currently trolling real estate in England trying to figure out where my next home is. Anxiety? A did you guess?

I have been working since I was 11. Not like sweat shop working. But I have been making my own money since I was 11 years old. I started baby sitting. In the 8th grade I was able to make at least $700 bucks towards a trip to Hawaii with the Girl Scout troop I was in.

At 15 I got a job at the swap meet. Every weekend I would get up early and go to work and sell automotive accessories. I got cash every week and it was awesome.

I started working at Target when I was almost 17. I worked there for a year and did pretty much any job a 17 year old could do. They wanted me to be in charge of a department or something or they wanted to give me extra responsibility that I didn't want so I figured it was time to go.

It was at around 18 years old when I started working for Star West and have never stopped. I'm not going to bore you with what I have gone through with this company. I lost my mom 7 years ago and she was running it. That should give you a little clue in how hard still working here is. Now I run it. But...on the flip side...I know it like the back of my hand and I am comfortable with it. I am very good at my job and of course could always do a bit better.

I am now signed up to get notified for jobs that become available in England. When I move I won't have a job. It will be the first time in 18 years that I am not making any money and will be unemployed. Anxiety? A did you guess?

This is something I struggle with every day. The anxiety of leaving my comfort zone. I'm excited...but more nervous than anything. I know it is coming faster than I realize. I've always been confident in  myself but right now I feel very very uncomfortable. I feel like the jobs that come into my inbox that are available...are jobs that I wouldn't be able to do. It's been so long since I have had to interview for a job. I've never had to make a resume. What if I never get a job? What if they think I'm over qualified? Under qualified? What if they think my degree isn't good enough? What if? What if? WHAT IF?????

I know some how it will all work out. I know, some how, that even though I have kind of a plan...its not set in stone. That's been a struggle the last 4 years. I have a plan and it goes completely the wrong way and I get mad at the world about it. I've learned that a direction is better than a plan and I feel I am heading in the right direction. I just need to remind myself constantly to not freak out. I will head in the direction I want and let the adventure of life take me where ever it takes me. I have a  husband who loves me a hell of a lot. I have a supportive family unit over there. I have a supportive family unit here. No matter what happens I know I have that. Again...I am blessed.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

1 comment:

  1. Amen!! haha you will never be in want of love Lea! you have a transcontinental fan club :)

    That picture inspired me to, after watching the marathon this weekend... I'm making plans to run a half in September! AGH!
